
Amazing Mr. J REVIEW: Rebekah Higgs, Canada’s DIY MOM! (Handy Woman/Entrepreneur/TV Personality)

Amazing Mr. J REVIEW: DAVE CARROLL (‘United Breaks Guitars’ singer, Award-Winning Musician/Speaker/Author)

Amazing Mr. J REVIEW: CAROLINE PARKER (Popular Halifax Radio Personality)

Amazing Mr. J REVIEW: Parents & Kids, from over 20 years of performing (Nationwide Since 1999!)



Amazing Mr. J’s THEME SONG! Plus, A Special Birthday message for your child, from CHARLIE A’COURT (Award-Winning Musician)

SCHOOLS! The Amazing Mr. J BILINGUAL Magic Show REVIEW- by the staff at Terry Fox School, Bathurst, NB:

CAMPGROUNDS! The Amazing Mr. J Magic Show REVIEWS from CAMPGROUNDS throughout Atlantic Canada!

Amazing Mr. J- Magic Card Trick: “If you feel LOVE’s not ‘IN THE CARDS’ for YOU, remember…CARDS can CHANGE!”

Amazing Mr. J- Magic with Cards & Cash:

Magic for ZZ TOP! “Give this Man a Big Hand!”- Billy Gibbons, ZZ Top Lead singer:
ZZ TOP, upon seeing their Magic Balloon tribute from the stage: “Give this Man a beer! Give him SIX! Let’s get him a DOZEN!”

Country FX 101.9 FM Radio, The Amazing Mr. J on “MJ’s HEROES!” with MJ Finnamore & Frankie Hollywood:

CBC RADIO: The Amazing Mr. J meets BIG BIRD & OSCAR the GROUCH (Caroll Spinney), with balloons and Magic for his retirement!

CBC TV: Can The Amazing Mr. J contact the Spirit of HOUDINI? Live Magic performance and Houdini Séance, Hallowe’en Night, atop Citadel Hill in Halifax!

BACK to The FUTURE MAGIC SHOW! Parkinson’s Fund-Raiser, in Honour of Michael J. Fox (Cat Country 99.5 Radio)

HOCKEY DAY IN CANADA: The Amazing Mr. J, ON STAGE, with Ron MacLean & Don Cherry!

Magic and tribute for Taw Connors, Son of STOMPIN’ TOM CONNORS!

MORE MAGIC FUN! (Tricks & skits for all ages, all occasions)

Fireside Magic:
Magician in the Kitchen:

Christmas Magic:
Happy New Year:
Happy Robbie Burns Day:
Happy Valentine’s Day:
Happy St. Patrick’s Day:
Happy Mother’s Day:
Mr. J & Mr. Meanie- Valentine’s Spirit:
Mr. J & Angus- Dinner Time:

Mr. J & Rudy the Rabbit:
Mr. J & Rudy the Rabbit- Happy Easter:
Mr. J & Rudy the Rabbit playing pinball:
Mr. J & Rudy the Rabbit at School:

Magic for kids, Pinball Wizard style:–Bzc
Magic, Music, & Oreo Cookies:
Magic Solution to the Rubik’s Cube:

Mr. J’s Comic Book REVIEW:
Mr. J’s Comic Book: Secret Reading Message, from G.I. Joe Legend Sgt. Slaughter!

The Amazing
   Mr. J ON

Wishing YOU personally a Magical🎩🪄🐰🕊 ⭐️International WOMEN'S DAY!⭐️💪😎👩💃👍If you're a Woman, THANK YOU.🙏 You give us Life✨️, plus You truly make this Life so much BETTER.🌠If you're a Guy, let's reflect on all the amazing women we've had the pleasure to know🤔🤗:Our beloved Moms, Sisters, Aunts, Grandmothers, Partners, Lovers, and Cool Female Friends...who have all enriched, enlightened, and inspired.🥳🎉🎊It's no coincidence that 'MOM' upside-down spells 'WOW'.😉🙃🥰Secret theory (shhhhh🤫): You know, performing shows🎭 for over 25 years, the reason why all you Women enjoy seeing Magic so much...might be are literally MADE of it. (Could you be seeing a...reflection?)🪞❓️Grateful for all th#magic0#strongd#Smart#coolr#talented9#women #internationalwomensdayS#thankyouart #Cool #Talented #Women #InternationalWomensDay #ThankYou ... See MoreSee Less
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Yo, Canada!🇨🇦🏒 WE DID IT.💪😎🤗Here's to Our Country.🫡🥰👍 Together, we are MAGIC.❤️🎩🪄🐰#FourNationsCupn#hockeyo#Canadaa#championsp#sidneycrosbyr#NathanMackinnoni#BradMarchandc#amazingmisterjs#magicMagic ... See MoreSee Less
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Remember when you got Valentines in school?🤔😃❓️❗️All the cheesy puns, and childhood fun?🥰It was Magical!🤗🎩🪄🐰🕊❤️👌So, if YOU didn't get a Valentine this year as a grown-up...HERE ya go!😃💝🌠👍Your personal present🃏♥️♣️♦️♠️, performed by your prestidigitating pal, ⭐️The Amazing Mr. J.⭐️😉Whether you're a swingin' single🥳🎉🎊, or swooning with a sweetheart😍💕, wishing you a day full of LOVE.❤️"When the Power of LOVE overcomes the Love of Power, the World🌎 will know Peace." ☮️🙏-Jimi HendrixJust what Our World needs.🌠👌And just what YOU Deserve!🥰😃✨️👍Happy Magic Valentine's.❤️♥️💘💛🎩🪄(Song credit: The titanically talented ⭐️John Lindsay-Botten⭐️, "I'll Provide the Love"). 🎵🎶🎹👍#Magic #CardTricks #Valentines #ValentinesDay #Love ... See MoreSee Less
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Happy 77th Birthday🎂🥳🎊 to ⭐️ALICE COOPER!⭐️😃❤️💀🎵🎸🐍👍Who knew?⁉️ The legendary rocker🤘🎶 loves ♥️BALLOONS🎈, and MAGIC.🎩🪄🐰🕊😉Plus, get this!❗️ Alice is a passionate golfer🏌‍♂️⛳️, and also does extensive volunteer work...he often personally serves food to children in need.🥰🍗🥦🍛🍎👍In this wacky, nutty world, it's nice to know there's still always folks who are awesomely COOL.😎 👌As brother Chris and I luckily learned, it's extra cool when your musical hero also ⭐️ROCKS⭐️ in Real L#alicecooper👍#happybirthday #magicB#balloonsM#schoolsoutons #SchoolsOut ... See MoreSee Less
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Hmmm!❗️ What do YOU think?🤔❓️ Considering a ⭐️New Magic Motto⭐️, based on these recent cool😎 experiences:1- Grateful to he hired for the third time (‼️) by world-renowned designer ⭐️Ozlem M. Manness⭐️, for her adorable daughter's birthday. Oz owns 'House of Moda🌠', Halifax's premier jewelry and accessory/apparel store.🤗💎 Even with her amazing, sought-after creations worn at the Oscars🏆, and by A-list celebs like Beyoncé☺️, Oz always loves taking part in the simple fun of a Magic Show. (See pics!)🥰2- A Mom in Chester offered a choice to her son and daughter for their combined birthday party: A Limo Ride🧐, OR a Magic Show🎩🪄. The boy wanted the Limo, the girl requested Mr. J. Luckily, (with their Mom casting the deciding vote😉), Magic won out!🐰🕊❤️ Knowing the boy's preference, brought every bit of energy💪🔥that a Magician could muster, while showcasing him and his sister as the special stars of the show.🌠 Afterwards, asked the livened up-lad if he had any regrets about going with the Magic Show. The pure, unbridled excitement on his face said it all.🥰🥳🎊😀🤗OK!👍 So, taken together, what do YOU think of this new motto: ⭐️"The Amazing Mr. J- Your Magician to the Stars, and markedly better than a Limo Ride!"⭐️(Can see the face-palms now)🤭🫢😋🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️. Ah well, t'was a fun week. Stay cool, Magic Friends!❤️🎩🪄🐰🕊🌠👍 ... See MoreSee Less
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GIANT magic wand
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